Tuesday, October 19, 2010

3 Check Out My New Ride

 So, we finally decided that we wanted to seriously consider becoming the next Swagger Wagon family.  While we were on our car search, I drove the newest model here in Montgomery and loved it.  It had DVD players, reclining bucket seats, seat warmers, sun roof, both sliding doors and the trunk opened automatically....it had everything that you could want.  After driving that van, I told Raleigh that I was okay driving a van but I wanted the coolest one he could find.  Two Fridays ago, Raleigh left work a little early and we drove to a city outside of Birmingham to look at two different vans.  I knew we would be looking at some older models but in my mind they still had the same features as the one I had driven.  When we pulled up and started to look at these vans, all excitement vanished.  The seats were not leather.  There was no sun roof.  No cool DVD player.  Only one door automatically slide open......I looked at Raleigh in astonishment and asked, "Where's all the cool stuff?????"   He reminded me that this was an older version and even though it doesn't have the cool stuff it was still in excellent condition.  The salesman gave us the keys so we could drive it around the block.  As I was driving, I started to fume.  I was driving and pointing out everything that it didn't have.  After the fuming, I began to cry.  I was so sad and I could NOT believe that THIS was the VAN that I would be driving for the next ten years of my life.  I felt old.  I so did not feel cool driving that thing.

After a couple of loops around the block, we pulled back in the dealership and I just sat in the back seat glaring at my husband.  How could he make me drive this thing?????  He promised me a cool van and this was all he could come up with?  I was laying it on thick.  Raleigh stared back at me and said that he was sorry that I was misled into thinking that this van would be like the newest model.  He told me that we didn't have to buy it today and we could keep looking.  After that, we both sat in the van for a long period of silence.  During that time, I just stared at the inside of the vehicle.  To myself, I thought, "It does have bucket seats.  The trunk space is nice.  At least one door slides open."  Finally, I looked at the two little faces that were sitting in those bucket seats.  Their car seats fit perfect.  I was actually sitting in the way back seat and had plenty of room.  I looked at my husband and realized how hard he always tries to please me.  I knew that he wouldn't want this van if it wasn't a good fit for our family.  Our eyes met and we both knew the decision that was best for our family.   After an hour of paper signing, we were officially inducted into the Swagger Wagon family.

So, it has been two weeks and I am starting to come around to the fact that I am 26 and drive a van.  I just had to stop looking at the negatives and focus on the positive because we really do have a great new vehicle.  Only the newest models have all the cool features but ours is really a great car for the year that it was made in.  We have driven it to church and it was so easy to load and unload the girls.  Our stroller fits in the trunk like a glove.  I can actually sit in the passenger seat and recline my chair without it hitting a car seat! We are going to get a DVD player installed and since the seats aren't leather there really isn't a need for seat warmers.  Also, both side windows are huge and roll fully down and that is kinda neat. To seal the deal, I have even changed a very poopy diaper in the back seat and I would have never been able to do that in my old car.

What do you mean vans aren't cool.....
The only time I realize I am driving a van is when I pull out my keys to get in the front seat.  I have gotten over the fact that it is a van and have come to terms with it being a great purchase for our family.  I'm glad my husband found this van for us and that we should be able to drive it for many more years.  This whole van experience has really taught me to not be so vain.  Again I have learned not to care what other people think and just do what is best for me and my family.  I am proud to be a mom that drives a VAN!!!!!! Thanks to everyone that gave us suggestions on what car to purchase for our  family!  We truly appreciate it!

Till next time, let your light shine!

Blessings, christen


Anonymous said...

ok so the you tube video is HILARIOUS!!!!! Cracks me up! Have fun with your swagger wagon!!!

Anonymous said...

My feelings exactly Christen!! It's like you read my mind when you posted this blog! I have also finally come to terms with my new "Mommy Mobile". No sacrifice is too large when it comes to your babies!
The twins are adorable and look like they are doing great!!

Ericka Register

Christen Price said...

Thanks Ericka! The things we must do for our kids :)

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