Tuesday, August 25, 2009

0 Create a Pure Heart

Good morning sweet friends!

Is anybody else in LOVE with this weather we have been having? Yesterday, we took the dogs on a walk after work and it was absoulutely perfect. During the day, I so wished to just take a blanket and go lay in a park to enjoy the sunshine. Being outside on such a pretty day just makes me feel so peaceful and pleasant.

The past couple of days, I have been reading in the bible about David. Yesterday, I read aboout how David conquered Goliath. I had forgotten how fun it was to read a story that I knew so well. My reason for reading this is that Raleigh needs some encouragement right now. He is in the middle of taking his architecture review exams and he is up against a Goliath. Don't we all have Goliath's in our lives?

If you have time, flip your Bibles open to 1 Samuel and read chapters 16 and 17. One of the verses that really stuck out to me was, "The Lord does not look at things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart"(1 Samuel 16:7). The Lord said that David had a heart like His, and that was why He seeked him out to serve his people as King. The story of David begins with his battle with Goliath but throughout his life he faces many personal battles and victories. The thing that sticks out to me when reading his story is that through it all he either asks for forgiveness from the Lord or he rejoices in the Lord. He knows he cannot live his life without God. So many of us run around thinking we can do it ourselves or that we don't need God to help us out with this task but the truth is that we cannot live our lives without Him!!!! He wants to hear you cry out to him, and He wants to help you every step of the way. David, strong and tender, says in Psalm 55:16-17, "But I call to God and the Lord saves me. Evening, morning, & noon I cry out in distress, and he hears my voice."

If you are afraid to go to him after you have messed up terribly, please take the step to talk to Him because He is the forgiver of all sins. After David committed adultery with Bathseba he cried out to the Lord, "Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Do not cast me from your presence or take your Holy Spirit from me. Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit to sustain me." The word "create" means as something new so even when our hearts are so broken and messed up, he will give us a brand new, pure heart to start fresh and clean.

Allow God to come into your heart if you haven't done so already. And if you have, allow Him to work at it and make it a heart like His.


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