Sunday, August 16, 2009

How great is our God? He is the name above all names, worthy of our praise. Our hearts will sing, "How GREAT is our GOD!!!"

This past week has been pretty amazing. So many little things have happened that just aren't coincidence. First, on Monday I was really struggling with the blog being "out there." Honestly, I was so fearful and nervous about what other people would think of me. Then I got an e-mail and one section really just screamed, "I am talking to you Christen Price!" It read, "Why am I so worried about what other people think of me and not about what God thinks of me?" That statement stopped every other thing I was doing that morning and made me totally realize how self-conscious I really am. How many of us are so concerned about what other people think of us that we don't truly live our lives the way that God intended for us to lead them? I am tired of worrying about whether or not I am liked or if someone is my friend. I am not living my life for the approval of others. It is time for me to stop caring so much about what other people think of me and to live honestly, truthfully, and so full of God's love that I am not scared to share His word with anyone.

The second thing that happened this week is I got a phone call from one of my preachers at church. Several weeks ago, I was really struggling with what I should do with my life and what outlet I should focus on for sharing God's word. I had purchased a c.d. from a study I wasn't able to attend at our church that was about living your life's purpose. As I was listening to the study, I just kept thinking how great it would be to have a conversation with this pastor about my future. But, chicken me never ever got brave enough to initiate that type of phone call. On Wednesday night, I was putting a pound cake into the oven (with my cute new Williams-Sonoma oven mitts thanks to my thoughtful husband)and Raleigh said, "Christen, there is a woman on the phone for you." I answered the phone call and low and behold Janice Spencer was on the other line. As we began speaking she asked me to serve in a new position for my small group and from our conversation she also invited me to be on the prayer and fasting committee at church. When we ended our conversation, we decided on a day to meet for breakfast so we could discuss what ways I would like to serve the church. After I hung up the phone, I just sat there thinking how amazing the Lord is. He knew my thoughts and He answered them. His guiding hand prompted Janice to call me because He knows how much I need a mentor to guide me right now. Isn't He wonderful?

The last thing that happened this week happened about two hours ago. I have been debating about what to post tonight and three scriptures have been on my mind this week. Tonight, when we were helping out with the youth back to school party, all three of these verses were spoken. Not one, not two, but all three. Coincidence? I think not. Obviously the first one is the mission of this blog: "You are the light of the world. Let your light shine before men that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven." - Matthew 5:14,17. The other verse that I was wanting to share is my favorite Bible verse: "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths." - Proverbs 3:5-7. The final verse that has been on my heart is when Jesus was walking on water and Peter went out to join him, "Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, "Lord, save me!" Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. "You of little faith," he said, "why did you doubt?"" - Matthew 14:29-31. Aren't we all like Peter? We believe in Jesus but we don't totally trust him with our lives? Let's be completely honest here...we get scared. Fear grips our thoughts and when all we see is darkness we fall. But, you know what is so amazing? Jesus is there to catch us in an instant every time we fall. If we give ourselves completely up to Him, totally surrendering all, He will guide us down a path that is so much better than our craziest dreams.

The Lord has been moving in my life friends. I mean, seriously, speaking to me. He is telling me to let go of all of my fears and totally get flat on the floor and glorify His name. This blog is so much more than one person speaking about what is going on in her life. This blog is an outlet to glorify the one and only God. Amen to that!

Friends, what is the Lord speaking to you right now? What is on your heart that you need His guidance? I pray that you will seek Him and just give it up to Christ! He wants to hear your voice. Stop being scared. I promise He will move mountains in your life.

Till next time, let your light shine!

Blessings, Christen


The Steens said...

Christen! I love this!! What a great way to share God's love! I am so proud of you, I almost began crying as I was reading!! I am looking forward to reading the next blog! You are such a blessing!

Ashley said...

I am crying over this post! Literally, I am sitting here like a baby identifying with every word! I am so proud of you! Your authentic transparency begs me to read more! I can't wait for the next post! How did I get so lucky to have you in my life?

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