Wednesday, November 10, 2010

This year, one of my closest friends is heading up Operation Christmas Child at our church. The mission of Operation Christmas Child (OCC) is to demonstrate God's love in a tangible way to needy children around the world, and together with the local church worldwide, to share the Good News of Jesus Christ.  Read below about how you can help a child during the Christmas season. 1. Tell us about OCC Operation Christmas Child is one of the ministries of Samaritan's Purse....
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Monday, November 8, 2010

1 Six Months Old

 Maralee & Adeline It is so hard to believe that another month has gone by and our girls are now six months old!  In six more months they will be one!!!!!  They always say that time flies as you get older, and I really do feel like it has flown by these past three months of them being home with us.  I am a pretty sentimental person but I am trying to not linger on the memories and enjoy the present.  These girls are growing up right in front...
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0 Technical Upgrades

I wanted to give everyone a heads up that over the upcoming week Raleigh will be doing some major technical work on the blog.  We are going to start self hosting the blog soon - this will allow us to have more features that we currently cannot.  We should be back up and fully running by this time next week.  There will still be posts going out this week and should be able to still view all of the older stuff as well. The important thing to remember is that the is down, but we will still be available with full content on during the upgrade process.  Also, you can still read individual post through Facebook...
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Thursday, November 4, 2010

So I was going through the ole' digital photo album the other day and came across this little photo, which other than pictures of our girls - is just the cutest thing!   Yep, this was Obi when he was just a pup!  He's so tiny and cute.  We couldn't find his breed anywhere around here so we had to get him online.  I found a breeder and we were given first pick of the litter.  We were shown this little adorable fellow and another that was wearing...
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Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Congratulations to Ashley Carson for winning a free Godwin Family Adoption T-Shirt!  Thanks to all who participated and stay tuned for future giveawa...
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Tuesday, November 2, 2010

2 Under Pressure

This month I realized that I put too much pressure on myself to succeed.  This revelation occurred to me last Monday as our family was driving to Dothan.  The warm haziness of the sun had just drifted beyond reach and darkness started to set in as we drove south on Highway 231.  Raleigh and I had been in a tizzy earlier that day and we were finally discussing our gripes with one another.  Lately, I have been a bit of a grinch.  My tongue has been...
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Monday, November 1, 2010

Happy 1st of November Everyone! I started to think about what verse I wanted to memorize this month and the word prayer kept coming into my heart.  Lately, our small group has been talking a lot about how powerful prayer truly is.  We have been saying that prayer is what brings us closer to God and it deepens our relationship with Him.  But, it is also a way for us to listen to what he is telling us to do.   Prayer is a necessity in our pursuit of living our lives like Christ.  So, this month I wanted 2 Corinthians 13:8-9 to be my memory verse. For we cannot do anything against the truth, but only for the truth.  We are glad whenever we are weak but you are...
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