The other day I realized that two of my family members have yet to be mentioned on this blog....our pups Obi and Lu Lu! I love these two dogs like they are my children. Lu Lu is going to be four (thank goodness she will be out of the teenager age) and Obi will be two this October. For any of you that know me, you know I can't have what everybody else has. That goes for dogs just as much as clothes. Lu Lu is a five pound Schnoodle - a Schnauzer and poodle mix - and Obi is a Vizsla - a German pointer that is a cousin to the Weimaraner.
It has been so much fun having them apart of our family. Dogs, like humans, have personality traits and at times these two are pretty amusing to watch. Lu Lu, bless her soul, is the dominant one in the family. She might be little but as soon as Obi came into our lives he figured out who was boss. I remember the first day we brought him home he started to play with her and she looked at us like, "Who is this and why is he here?" Obi, on the other hand, is just the friendliest dog that I have ever met and all he wants to do is love on his family. Poor thing, he simply doesn't understand his size...he always wants to climb into my lap and he can't comprehend why he doesn't fit up there like Lu Lu!
These two rascals have been the best companions to Raleigh and I. Whenever I get upset, Obi likes to crawl into bed with me and snuggle. Lu Lu will lick away all of my tears and then she will rotate once, twice, three times and find her pocket tucked up under my arms. Obi and Lu Lu both love Raleigh so much. When he walks in the door, Obi's ears perk up and a big smile comes on his face when he see Raleigh. Lu Lu loves to play "tag" with Raleigh...we are both afraid that if Raleigh and I have girls that he is going to spoil them one day.
For those of you that aren't dog or animal lovers you are missing out on one of God's best gifts to us. He has provided us with creatures that will love us no matter what our flaws may be. When I lived in Birmingham by myself for a year, Lu Lu was my comforter and protector. Whenever Raleigh needs a friend, Obi will gladly come a runnin'. I am so thankful to have them in my life.
Thank you friends for letting me share my puppy love!
Till next time, let your light shine!
Blessings, christen
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