Monday, December 7, 2009

0 Bubble Wrap

Goodness gracious, have I got so much to share with all of you! First off, what did y'all think about Raleigh's post on the Love Dare? I am so excited that he is going to start doing reviews and other posts on this blog. If it wasn't for Raleigh Price, I would have never been brave enough to start doing this in the first place. I truly believe that he adds an element of creativity and style to this site. We have more things in store for you all in the upcoming weeks so be on the look out for some new upgrades to The Uncontainable Truth!

Secondly, I just want to apologize for not posting sooner. Last week was a little crazy for me and I was out of town and then my mom came to Montgomery to help me decorate for an engagement party we had at our house on Saturday night. My mom is a crazy worker bee and she was cleaning all over the place. She had a fit with my oven and my bathtub. I told her that people wouldn't be looking at my oven and bathtub but she said, "Christen Michelle Ridley...Price....I just can't let you live like this!" Mom loves our house but she isn't used to it being so...old. Older homes just have that certain "character" that you love but at the same time have to ignore. Like, I love my hardwood floors but I don't love how they warp in some areas. Or, I love the transoms above my doors but I don't love how air comes through the window even when it is painted shut. Oh, the joys and the charm.

Finally, tonight after dinner I sat back and watched Carrie Underwood's Holiday Special. I do have to say, I am a BIG Carrie Underwood fan. No haters out there I hope. I just love, love, love her music. Last year, she came to Birmingham and we went to her concert and I remember my spirit felt uplifted when I left. Now, I know she has songs that aren't very nice like "Before He Cheats" but all in all she is someone that holds herself with grace and character. Tonight she sang a song from her new c.d. called "Temporary Home" and it was truly inspirational. I love Christian music but I truly admire her because she sings songs like that in our pop culture where she can influence so many non-believers.

I feel like it is so easy to get wrapped up into a bubble and just communicate with people that are just like me. We aren't afraid to share our testimony at church but we won't tell our co-worker about Christ and how He is the only way we can make it through our day. I know I have some friends that I openly discuss Jesus with and then I have others where I don't even bring up the subject. Something that I am constantly seeking is that balance of sharing Christ with non-believers or luke-warm Christians without freaking them out. In Philemon v. 6, Paul says, "I pray that you may be active in sharing your faith, so that you will have a full understanding of every good thing we have in Christ."

From this verse, I believe that the more we share our faith the more we will have faith. So, not only will we be helping others learn how to have a relationship with Jesus, we will also be strengthening our own relationship with him. Many believe in God but they don't know God. They don't let themselves give in to his undeniable love. When we fully commit ourselves to wanting a relationship with Jesus, we become living disciples for him and it becomes more natural to share him with others because we can't deny where our joy is coming from.

It sounds so simple doesn't it? Well, guess is! Fear is from Satan and that is what is holding me back. But, if I let go of fearing what others will think, I will be basking in his love for me and that will be a light to others.

How have you overcome your fears of what others will think of you? Do you have an example of how you have shared Christ with others? Help us shy girls out :)

Till next time, let your light shine!

Blessings, christen


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