Sunday, January 3, 2010

2 Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

Hello all my blogger friends; I hope each of you have had a nice time celebrating the holidays! I am excited about it being 2010...not that I didn't love 2009 but I am looking forward to the opportunities that await me in 2010.
I'm not one to really make New Year's resolutions, but one thing that I do want to commit myself to this year is really investing in my walk with Christ and sharing it with you all on this blog. I will be honest...these last couple of weeks I haven't really felt like myself and the lack of activity on this site has been obvious. I apologize for not writing but we have been working on different aspects of the blog.

One new feature that is the most obvious is the design of the site. Raleigh and I collaborated on what we thought would best showcase what we feel when we think of The Uncontainable Truth. Some of the words that came to our minds were jumping, joy, bright, cheerful, and passion. So, the new look is designed around those thoughts. We did a little poll on the right-hand sidebar so take time to tell us your thoughts on our new look. I have to give major kudos to my husband for working on this is amazing what that boy can do in photoshop!

Another new feature is we want this to be more than a blog. We want this to be an area where you can come and find out the latest on books, music, and people that are making a difference in our world. The blog is now officially a website so it can encompass all of those things. The blog is still through blogger so if you come to us through that avenue you will just be redirected but an easy way to get to us is to save the site as

Since we are now a website we wanted to have the page options that are easy for you to click on to find what you are looking for. You will notice in the top right hand corner the different pages. We have an About, Contact, Do, Give, Teach, and Pray. The idea behind these different pages came from New Testament scripture when Jesus was preaching to the masses. Some of the key words that kept popping out to me were "do, give, teach, and pray." These pages are a work in progress but keep checking them because over time they will continue to have more information provided for your use.

There are a lot more cool little things that Raleigh and I will be sharing with you over the next month or so, but we just wanted to officially show off our hard work. Thank you to each and every one of you for coming to this site. It makes my heart swell to think that with each post we are all glorifying our wonderful Savior. In closing, I want to leave you with the mission statement of this site which is, "To joyfully encourage each other to passionately seek the truth spoken by Jesus Christ and to become an uncontainable light humbly serving our world."

Till next time, let your light shine!

Blessings, christen


Anonymous said...

I really like the new look! Looking forward to all the new features.

Christen Price said...

Thanks Anonymous!

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